2025 Worldwide Partnership Annual Prayer Guide

To download the full PDF of this prayer guide, click on the link below.


March 15, 2025, is our Navigators Worldwide Day of Prayer—a sacred and significant time to come before God together as a global family. For over a decade, Navigators around the world have united in prayer on the third Saturday of March, setting aside this day to seek the Lord, align our hearts with His purposes, and trust Him for what is ahead.

As we approach this time, let us not take this invitation lightly. International President Mutua Mahiaini reminds us:

“Although we are very familiar with Hebrews 4:16, which urges us to draw near to the throne of God with confidence, I hope it will inspire you to reflect on the fact that this is the ultimate throne, and that God is seated on it. He is the One who is inviting us to this experience. I pray we all take His invitation as seriously as He does.”

One of our Core Values as Navigators is expectant faith and persevering prayer rooted in God’s promises. We come before Him not in our own strength, but in full confidence that He hears us. As 1 John 5:14-15 assures us:

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.”

This prayer guide is a resource to help us join in prayer for key requests from across our movement. You have the option to use the prayer guide sequentially, beginning with our Navigator Calling, Values, and Vision (The Core); then proceeding to our global requests; followed by requests from each region (in alphabetical order). Alternatively, you may opt to navigate freely from section to section. However you decide to utilize this guide, may you experience profound fellowship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Wherever you are, and however you engage, rest assured that you are joining others from all corners of the world before God’s throne. You are part of a worldwide chorus of voices calling on our Father, trusting that He will move in ways beyond what we can ask or imagine.

May God meet us powerfully on this day and in the days ahead.

To God be the glory.

Calling, Values, Vision

Our Calling

To advance the Gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.

Our Values

1) The passion to know, love, and become like Jesus Christ.

2) The truth and sufficiency of the Scriptures for the whole of life.

3) The transforming power of the Gospel.

4) The leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit.

5) Expectant faith and persevering prayer rooted in the promises of God.

6) The dignity and value of every person.

7) Love and grace expressed among us in community.

8) Families and relational networks in discipling the nations.

9) Interdependent relationships in the body of Christ in advancing the Gospel.

Our Vision

We see a vital movement of the Gospel, fueled by prevailing prayer, flowing freely through relational networks and out into the nations. Workers for the kingdom are next door to everywhere!

What characterizes this movement? A heart for the whole person . . . climates of grace . . . compassion for the vulnerable and broken . . . sacrificial unity embracing diversity . . . cultural relevance and sensitivity . . . interdependence with others in the wider family of God . . . transformed men and women, fragrant with humility and the aroma of Christ. They are marked by a deep engagement with and obedience to the Scriptures as the Word of God. They believe the promises of God. Both personally and in committed communities, they seek to know and pursue the purposes of God.

Laborers and leaders are emerging, with an increasing passion for Jesus Christ. They demonstrate faith and courage as they live and move among their friends and families. As spiritual parents, they model authenticity and relevance.

Ordinary people, in many walks of life, are joyfully leading integrated lives. They live as fruitful insiders among the lost. There is perseverance in the face of hardship and suffering. Around the world, many are coming to faith. As they become established in discipleship, some grow to be foundational for further generations. The Gospel spreads naturally and powerfully, as believers share Christ . . . life upon life . . . family to family.

Crossing cultures into new cities and nations, teams of mobile pioneers intentionally proclaim and embody the good news of Jesus Christ, in such a way that transformed communities multiply. These communities are bringing joy and hope to their surrounding environments as relationships are healed and justice increases. Indeed, the lost and unreached burn in their hearts, as they move the Gospel into the nations.

The leaders of this movement, developed and empowered for God’s service, live out a growing commitment to Christlikeness. They are dependent upon the Holy Spirit. New generations of leaders are emerging, rooted incarnationally in their local and national contexts. An international leadership community brings focus, alignment, and energy to their movement. These leaders are committed to long-term impact in generational ministry.

Worldwide Missionary Sending

We rejoice in God's abundant answer to our prayers, initiated back in 2019, for the sending of 40 new missionaries to unreached or underreached people groups. Our latest count reveals that 38 missionary units (comprising couples or singles) have been sent out since then, with an additional 23 units in active preparation. These figures exclusively represent missionaries destined for unreached and underreached groups. Praise God for the sending of at least 12 other long-term missionary units, alongside an undisclosed number of short-term and mid-term missionaries.

The tangible results of these prayers have ignited faith within our community. Presently, we are earnestly praying for the sending of 20 more units annually over the next two years, aiming for a total of 60.

In your prayers, you can refer to the 2025 Missionary Sending Priorities (MSP) list, accessible online at https://navigatorsworldwide.org/worldwide-missions. This list is carefully curated each year by the International Executive Team (IET) and Regional Directors (RDs), who conscientiously narrow down cross-cultural opportunities to approximately 20 crucial priorities.


Missional Communities

Please pray for God's guidance as we pursue our vision to establish vibrant missional communities across Africa—making disciples in small-town neighborhoods, city apartment buildings, workplaces, schools, and every corner of daily life. Pray that we would be bold in sharing the Gospel of Jesus within our relational networks (Acts 8:4).

Leadership Transitions

Please pray for leadership transitions in Ethiopia, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, and Malawi. We seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in selecting the next generation of leaders who are "after God's own heart" (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Pray for fruitful collaboration among the Boards, Regional Team, Transition Teams, Selection Councils, and national ministries as they navigate these transitions.

Advancing the Gospel in Unreached and Underreached Nations

The upcoming Navigators Africa gathering, INTO AFRICA - 25 (IA-25): We desire to send more missionaries into unreached and underreached contexts and people groups within and beyond Africa. Taking place from April 17–20, 2025, in Kigali, Rwanda, this gathering will bring together 650 Navigators staff. Pray for God’s financial provision, smooth coordination of logistical details—including travel, visas, and accommodations—and for every participant to arrive with open hearts, ready to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to further God’s mission.

The growth of men’s discipleship across Africa: The Every Man A Warrior Bible study is gaining traction throughout the region. Pray that men across Africa will be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and become strong spiritual leaders in their homes, workplaces, and communities.

Other Requests

We have seen significant progress in our fundraising efforts. More and more younger people ages 25-35 years are taking responsibility for supporting the Ghana ministry financially. Pray for the Ghana Ministry that more younger generations will continue to grow in conviction regarding supporting the ministry.

Pray for company registration process with the national governments in Chad, Gabon, Mali, Cameroon and Sierra Leone. Pray for God's favor with the authorities regarding the change in the ministry's legal status and the setting up of a board of directors in the countries.

In 2025, we plan to send two of our Chadian laborers to the Nigerian Ministry in Lagos for six months. Let us pray that, on their return to Chad, these workers will be able to bring efficiency and effectiveness and enable Chad to have a strong institution in the field of administration, finance and mobilization of the Ministry's partners.

Asia Pacific

Strengthening Gospel Movements in Mainstream Religious Contexts

Please pray for the development of key leaders and leadership networks within mainstream religious contexts, as well as for the creation and use of digital apps that support Oral Gospel communication and discipleship for our laborers in these regions.

Mission Priorities in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Fiji

Pray for the God of the harvest to send cross-cultural workers for our four mission priorities:

Fiji: The South Pacific has a strong history of Christian ministry, but this is now under threat from Islam and other non-Christian movements. The University of the South Pacific (USP), located on the island nation of Fiji, is the primary tertiary institution that trains emerging leadership in government, medicine, corporations, and the private sector for the 12 USP member island nations: Fiji, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Pray for a couple to be sent to strengthen the fledgling ministry there and be used by God to expand the work throughout the Pacific.

Japan: The Japan Navigators have requested prayer from the AP and WWP in 2025 for spiritual breakthroughs in their nation. After 500 years of the Gospel reaching Japan, only around 1% of the population are believers. Many spiritual forces are at work in Japan. Pray for God to open Japanese eyes to see the error in worshiping many gods and to recognize Jesus and the God of the Bible as the one true God. Ask the Holy Spirit to show how to remove the baggage of religion and present the true Good News to the Japanese people. Pray for the 1% of Christians to rise up and embrace their God-given responsibility to raise up the next generation.

Movement of the Gospel through Families and Networks: Pray for foundational laborers in pioneer contexts in South Asia to be rooted and established in the faith, to grow as leaders, and to be fruitful in their family and relational networks—both in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5) and in sharing the good news and making new followers (Matthew 28).

Alignment of the Works: Pray for greater unity, synergy, and collaboration in the AP region, especially in living and discipling among the lost, pioneering works, missional enterprise, and leadership development.


Opening a New Country

 Please pray for the opening of a new country in Eurasia by an experienced team. The lead couple and their family have already moved to the capital city, with another couple planning to join them in February and a third couple arriving by the end of March. Pray for full funding and smooth logistics for the team's move and setup. Also, ask for God's help as the team learns a new language, adapts to a new culture, helps their kids adjust to a new school system, and navigates other important aspects of the initiation stage.

 Pray for strong connections with existing disciples of Jesus, and for God to prepare the hearts of those who will respond to the Gospel and become a foundational generation. Lastly, pray for another experienced couple to join the team by the end of 2025.

Change and Adaptation

Please pray for the protection, adaptation, and realignment of our ministries across the region amidst ongoing change. Some governments are making it increasingly difficult or uncertain for cross-cultural workers to remain, and for ministry platforms to continue as they have. Additionally, some long-time cross-cultural and local staff are considering new leadership or ministry roles, which have significant implications for the future of teams and ministries. Pray also for the challenges and opportunities that arise as new, younger staff join veteran staff who have served for many years.

God’s Good Purposes Overcome Evil

As the war between Russia and Ukraine enters its fourth year, please pray for the fighting to end, for truth to be revealed, for justice to be served, for peace to reign, and for God’s good purposes to prevail over evil.

Pray also for healing—physical, emotional, and spiritual—in Jesus’ name for all who have suffered. Pray that our Ukrainian and Russian laborers remain fruitful despite the challenges, and for encouragement in strategic meetings with Mobile Alongsiders. Also join us in asking the Lord for underlying geopolitical tensions, demonstrations, and other regional conflicts to also be resolved.


Austria: Pray that the new missionaries focus on learning German and build meaningful connections with those around them. Ask God to prepare the soil at Johannes Kepler University for their upcoming ministry. They praise God for a smooth and enjoyable transition into Austria.

Bulgaria: Pray for an effective strategy to increase capacity in Sofia, including the possibility of receiving a missionary couple or recruiting Bulgarians as ministry partners. The goal is to establish a vibrant, long-term Navigator community.

Germany: Pray that our hearts are driven by a deeper desire to reach the lost and that our ministries depend more on God through fasting and prayer. We are grateful for Dominik joining our staff, bringing fresh energy to administration, finances, and training. Pray for Lucia, our new leader for the Teens ministry, and for more staff capacity, as well as new graduates entering our trainee program.

The Netherlands: Pray for the Dutch leadership (and Timothies) meeting on May 22-23. The focus will be on building local disciplemaking communities after people leave the fraternities. Pray for unity around The Core and the development of a support process for these communities.

Norway: As we begin our second year of pioneering student ministry in Trondheim, pray that God sends passionate co-laborers to help reach the lost and make disciples. Pray for the start of Bible studies with seeking students and ask God to guide us in establishing a Kingdom culture that attracts the lost.

Poland (Ukraine): Thank God for the faithful servants bringing help and hope to the suffering on the eastern Ukrainian front. Pray for V. and T. in Izium, for God to provide, protect, and strengthen them for His glory. Pray for E. and L., whose son is undergoing cancer treatment, and for the chaplains S. and K., for provision and strength for their ministries.

Sweden: Pray for the recruitment of new staff in Gothenburg, Uppsala, and Stockholm, and for God’s guidance and wisdom in selecting new country leaders.

United Kingdom: Please pray for the National Conference 2025 at the end of April, where around 300 will gather at the Hayes Centre to celebrate 70 years of Navigators UK. Pray that as we worship, learn, and share stories of God’s faithfulness, we are filled with the Holy Spirit and mobilized for future generations.



Unidos Para Que El Mundo Crea (United So the World Believes)

Please pray for the Regional Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, from September 25-29, for local laborers from Latin America. Pray for the leadership team organizing the event, that they create an environment where relational ties are strengthened and participants encourage one another. Also, pray that the conference affirms the role of those faithfully carrying out the calling God has given us as Navigators.

GENERA Conference in São Paulo (May 2025)

Please pray for the Navigator’s Global Enterprise Network (GEN) gathering in São Paulo, Brazil, in late May. This event will provide business professionals an opportunity to unleash the transforming power of the Gospel through a global network of missional enterprises, expanding GEN into Latin America by connecting current and future business leaders focused on disciplemaking within their companies.

ANAPO Initiative in Honduras

Please pray for the pioneering partnership between LAN and Military First Responders in the U.S. that began in 2024 at the National Police Academy (ANAPO) in Honduras. Police Commissioner Adolfo Ordonez Bardales has approved a discipleship movement focused on instructors and third-year cadets. Also, pray for the team forming to coordinate and travel to ANAPO in 2025 to launch the program, with the vision to grow into a disciplemaking movement spreading to police stations across the country (Zechariah 4:10).

Consultation Process for Transition in LAN Regional Team

Please pray as the LAN Regional Team starts a consultation process in February to hear from leaders and local laborers across Latin America. This will inform the transition into a new season beginning in September 2025. Pray for humility, discernment, and for the Holy Spirit to unify and transform hearts as we move forward together.

Pioneering Works in Hermosillo, Mexico, and Neuquén, Argentina

Give thanks for God’s work in Hermosillo and Neuquén. In Hermosillo, a missionary couple is raising up disciplemakers, with two teenagers now studying at the University of Sonora. Pray God would use these teens to bring students to Christ. In Neuquén, a local leader is building a disciplemaking community, with support from Buenos Aires Navigators. Pray for God to raise up a disciplemaking community in each town, and for more laborers to dedicate time to these pioneering works.


Middle East and North Africa

Jesus is The Core of The Core: This year’s regional theme is "Jesus is The Core of The Core." Pray that this inspires us to fully embrace our first value: a passion to know, love, and become like Jesus. We also plan to host a regional Bible study centered on this theme. Pray that this study deepens participants’ understanding of Jesus’ centrality in their lives and ministries.

Hope and Restoration: Lift up the MENA region, asking for God’s peace and stability, especially in areas of active military conflict where the need is urgent. Pray for hope and restoration in these nations.

Next Generation: Ask God to raise up and equip leaders for the next generation, empowering them to boldly and faithfully carry out the Gospel mission. Pray for His blessing, guidance, and wisdom as we engage with these future Navigator leaders for His Name and the nations.

2025 Key Events: Pray for God’s provision, wisdom, and unity as we plan two key events in 2025: the Laborers/Servants Training Session and the Key Leaders Development Meeting. Ask that these gatherings equip leaders and foster meaningful connections.

Lighthouse Ministry: Pray for the Lighthouse Ministry’s goal to launch 20 new businesses in 2025 through families committed to being Christ’s ambassadors. Ask for wisdom and fruitfulness as they establish a follow-up and discipleship system and host a conference in September 2025 to strengthen leaders and families.

Leadership Need: Pray for God’s provision of a country leader for one of our ministry countries. In the meantime, ask for wisdom, strength, and discernment as the regional directors oversee the team, guide their work, and support them through frequent visits.

Ministry Expansion: Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as we plan to expand our ministry to new cities in two established countries and pioneer ministries in three new countries. We’ve also begun building connections in two other countries and pray that those connections lead to fruitful ministries. Pray that local people will embrace the vision of The Navigators and join us in ministering to others.

North America

Canada, Caribbean, United States


  • Operations Team: Pray for the smooth progress of our system redesign, which will be implemented in September. Pray for God’s favor throughout the process.

  • International Missions Team: Pray for the ongoing security and gang violence situation in Ecuador, which has caused much loss and hardship. Ask for peace, healing, redemption, and restoration. (We have Canadian staff in Ecuador.)

  • Campus Team: Pray that God continues to reveal Himself to staff and students as we seek Him individually and collectively. Pray for student leaders, that they would have meaningful faith conversations with their friends.

  • Local Ministry Team: Pray for new opportunities to support local churches in growing discipleship cultures and for initiatives that will help us walk alongside new grads and those in the marketplace.


  • Pray for sustainable ministry growth in finances, leadership, and laborers, with a balanced focus on both mainstream and economically disadvantaged communities.

  • Pray for bold and effective campus ministries in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad. Ask God to raise up student leaders to embrace discipleship, and for encouragement and support for pioneering staff.

  • Pray for wisdom and unity for the leadership team overseeing the region and for emerging leaders, especially in Haiti and another island nation facing instability.

  • For Haiti: Pray for wisdom on staff safety and potential relocation, and for strategy and funding for new missionaries in Guadeloupe.

United States

  • Community Blessing / Disciple-Making Communities: Pray that disciples will be deeply established in their faith and boldly share Jesus in cities, rural areas, churches, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

  • Collegiate Mission: Pray for our Collegiate staff to live out Isaiah 66:2b—"These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word." Pray for such disciples to be raised up on campuses across the U.S.

  • Military Mission: Pray for Isaiah 60:22 to be fulfilled—"The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation." Ask God to raise up Spirit-filled soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, guardians, police officers, firefighters, and EMTs who respond to a clear call to Christ.

  • Disciplemakers for Life (D4L): Pray for lifelong laborers to be raised up in workplaces, businesses, neighborhoods, marginalized communities, churches, and among young professionals.

  • NavPress: Pray for NavPress as it celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Ask that God would be honored, and that this milestone brings greater impact in equipping disciplemakers worldwide.

  • Staff Flourishing: Pray for assurance, stability, and encouragement as staff grow in their faith and share it with others.